Nestled along the coast of Hyogo Prefecture, Akashi is a city that often goes unnoticed by travellers, overshadowed by the neighbouring bustling metropolises of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. However, if you care to venture off the beaten path, Akashi unveils a tapestry of rich history, culinary delights, and breathtaking scenery waiting to be discovered.

A Glimpse into History

Akashi City boasts a storied past, with its roots dating back centuries. At the heart of its historical significance stands Akashi Castle, a majestic fortress that has witnessed the ebb and flow of time. Built in the 13th century, has withstood numerous wars and natural disasters. Today, you can explore its well-preserved grounds, immersing themselves in the legacy of feudal Japan. The annual Akashi Castle festival is a vibrant showcase of local arts, crafts, and entertainment that also attracts visitors from far and wide. Conveniently, Akashi Castle is only 2 minutes away from our school, making it perfect for a relaxing walk, cultural immersion or a picnic with friends.

Culinary Delights

Osaka might be world famous for Takoyaki, but did you know that its predecessor came from Akashi? Known as Akashiyaki or Tamagoyaki (which is also the name for Japanese omelette!), these soft, fluffy octopus dumplings are served plain with a dashi soup stock for dipping. They were first made in the Meiji period (1868-1912) and became so popular that Osaka created their own rendition that is so widely popular today. Akashi is also renowned for its fresh, locally sourced seafood and traditional cooking methods.

Coastal Serenity

One of Akashi’s most enchanting features is its picturesque coastline, offering a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Take a leisurely stroll along Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the world, and marvel at the stunning vistas of the Seto Inland Sea. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the water, it’s easy to lose yourself in the serenity of the moment.

Embracing Tradition

Akashi has a long-standing tradition of sword smithing, dating back centuries. Skilled artisans continue to practice this ancient craft, creating blades of exceptional quality and beauty using traditional techniques passed down through generations. Tea ceremonies are also a cherished tradition. These serene gatherings emphasize mindfulness, harmony, and respect, offering participants a moment of tranquillity in the midst of daily life.

Festivals & Celebrations

Throughout the year, Akashi bursts to life with a kaleidoscope of festivals and celebrations. The Akashi Kaikyo Festival, held annually to commemorate the completion of the iconic bridge, is a spectacle of music, dance, and fireworks that draws visitors from far and wide. Meanwhile, the Oishi Shrine Festival pays homage to the city’s patron deity with colourful processions and traditional performances that captivate audiences of all ages.


Akashi may not be the first destination that comes to mind when planning a trip to Japan, but it offers a wealth of experiences for those willing to explore beyond the obvious. Whether you’re drawn to its culinary delights, picturesque landscapes, or cultural landmarks, the city welcomes you with open arms.